Windows 11 criticism. I downloaded 6,000+ pictures from a flash drive onto my new computer. It put them all in ONE folder!!!!!! Removed all the sub-folders and info. Grrrrrrr.
I just now talked to a Twitter friend who had her son load some on her new computer and it did the same thing. THAT'S TOTALLY TERRIBLE!!
@diogenese19348 I haven't looked it over yet to see if I missed a setting, but I don't think I did.
Is Windows 11 a nightmare? I have not upgraded to 11, because I am letting Microsoft fix the bugs and problems.
All this is no big deal, really. I just brought it up in case it might be of interest to someone. I will just delete that giant folder and start over... adding maybe just one folder at a time until I figure out what went amiss!
@diogenese19348 I agree, and I've found for years that anything MS offers is intended at some point for their profit. That's one of the reasons I don't use Windows.
About that "anonymous", it wasn't my intent. I have noticed that even when I've logged in in the beginning, sometimes I have to log in again when posting in my site.