I’m sure everyone around the globe has now heard of Groundhog’s Day.
Here in West Virginia, we have our own French Creek Freddy.
The sleepy little fellow is supposed to let us know if we are in for more winter,or if Spring is right around the corner.
I doubt any critter has been threatened more.
The groundhog saw his shadow. This means six more weeks of winter.
https://www.foxnews.com/us/groundhog-day-2023-punxsutawney-phil-sees-his-shadow-predicts-6-more-weeks-winter .
Oh I know!!!! I’m thinking of having a dinner party, with groundhog stew as the main dish!😜😁😁😁
Groundhog does not sound that good. Beef, chicken, or pork would be better.
LOL and you’re right! I really don’t care much for the flavor of groundhog. I can eat it, but it is my least favorite of all the wild meats. I grew up eating them, but haven’t cooked one in years.
Divi is definitely worth having. The design possibilities are endless.
This is an old picture I took of our own Freddy, probably at least 20 years ago. with a film camera.
Ground hogs are an animal that surprised me with their size. I always pictured them about the size of guinea pigs. It turns out they are more like 1-1/2 to 2 feet long, more in the small dog class.
Yup they can get pretty large. Back in the old days one was cooked up and the kin folks invited in. Enough to serve everyone!!! 😜😜
They have short little legs and waddle as they walk, but when spooked, they can really cover the ground in a hurry!!!