Back through my years of social media, I have been called by multiple names.
Veto, Verp (from typos)
Over and Rove (deliberate typos from Setty).
Granny Clampett (springing from my personality and ability to cook up a good possum.

It still goes on…the name calling..(.some of them actually nice.) ((Grin))
Last week it was Flossie…Part of a trio of good friends namely Flossie Fanny and Flo!
Today it was “Helga.”
That one had me scratching my head, so I looked it up.
Helga, in Norse mythology (and also in the Holy Bible) means “Blessed.”
I certainly am!!!♥♥♥♥♥
Your research led you to the perfect answer, Vero! ❤️🙏😊
BTW, the meme you posted that I commented on was from the Hey Arnold cartoon. It depicted his bossy friend Helga snoring 💤
Oh!! Ok I wondered!!!
I was quite happy with what my research told me. (Smile)
Thank you so much for the comment, Sherry.♥♥♥
That cartoon series has come into play since I stopped watching TV. I vaguely remember hearing about it. The meme just reminded me of “Me”. LOL