How vividly I remember my first Memorial Day observation!
Back then, it was known as Decoration Day, and was observed by visiting cemeteries and placing flowers on the graves of relatives who had gone on.
Our family cemetery was quite a distance away, and had to be reached by walking up and down hills and hollows…much too long a trek for a little girl.
The time finally came when my parents decided I was up to the walk, (I was around 10 at the time) so I was allowed to accompany my father to the Decoration Day ceremony that a local church was having in our cemetery.
Mom cut bouquets from the flowers growing in the yard for me to place on the graves. Recipients were my grandmother which I never met, and a grandpa which I barely remembered. Also an older brother who passed away as a child, and was only known to me by photos.
I can remember clearly, the solemn placing of the wilted flowers lovingly on the graves and having feelings that were very new to me.
Yes, a VERY solemn occasion, indeed!

Decoration Day, that’s new to me, thank you so much for sharing this Vero. A special memory and dear photo. ♥️💐
Probably a southern thing.
Thank you, Jill. I always loved this picture of my dad and me. He was a wonderful father. Gentle yet firm and a totally honest person! I guess that’s why honesty means so much to me as an adult. If you can’t believe someone then there is just no dealing with them or situations.♥♥♥