Eleven gorgeous eggs from the henhouse, and a big seed order came in the mail today.
Found my grow light bulb!
Now for some compost, and a bit of fluffy peat moss,
and SPRING will be underway!!

Eleven gorgeous eggs from the henhouse, and a big seed order came in the mail today.
Found my grow light bulb!
Now for some compost, and a bit of fluffy peat moss,
and SPRING will be underway!!
Your picture is very beautiful.
Thank you. It’s an old picture but one I really like. The flowering crabapples are so useful in the garden. When the robins come through here in late winter/early spring, they really appreciate the little apples that are still hanging on the trees.
You are welcome. 👍
You have to have winter before you get to spring. In Tennessee, we get a lot of rain, but very little snow and ice. The snow-rain belt is at the Tennessee-Kentucky border. Nashville is one hour away from the snow-rain belt and the state border.
I know we really need more cold weather or else the bugs will eat us alive next summer. We can expect just about anything here in West Virginia.
This is very true.
It’s still January, let’s not wish a third of the year away that quickly, it goes fast enough as it is. :wpds_wink:
Oh I know!!! Maybe we can just think of it as a looooooonnnnggg Spring?
(Usually it’s me saying don’t rush things) I think it’s this weird weather that makes me want to just skip it. Now if it would just snow about two feet, that might change my attitude! 👍👍🤣