Some days a good tummy filling country meal is in order.
Today was one of those days.
Sauerkraut and wieners, country fried potatoes straight from the garden,
cucumbers and sliced onions also straight from the garden, corn bread

and pinto beans cooked to perfection.


I couldn’t decide whether this should be a garden post or a kitchen post, since the potatoes were dug specifically for potato soup (requested by grandson Zeke.)
This is one hill of potatoes from this year’s crop….nearly 4 pounds. I’m quite pleased with the yield.

Potato soup it is!!!


Nothing is more frustrating than getting in the middle of a recipe and finding that you have run out of an ingredient. I try my best to keep well-supplied with everything needed to put that perfect dish on the table, but sometimes I slip. It doesn’t help that I have three more cooks that use my kitchen and no matter how much I preach, they use the last of something and put the jar/bottle back on the shelf empty!

Fresh veggie time is just around the corner and I definitely want to be ready, so this coming week my kitchen is getting a complete overhaul!

Wish me luck!

My food pantry.