This is a new treat, recommended to me by one of my friends. I will be making it for the first time and will add more to this post later, along with, possibly, other revisions.

This is a new treat, recommended to me by one of my friends. I will be making it for the first time and will add more to this post later, along with, possibly, other revisions.
Good morning World!
— 🌱Vero (@Vero2oo7) December 2, 2024
Brrr it's cold out there! 14℉ here in the WV hills!
Thanksgiving is now a distant memory, and Christmas is rushing towards us like a streaking locomotive!
Let's get all that laundry out of the way, a big pot of pintos cooking and do some serious shopping!
Genetic modification gone terribly wrong!
In honor of National Homemade Bread Day, here are a few offerings from my kitchen, over the past couple of years. I love baking breads of all kinds and they are so much better than the ones off the store shelves.
In no particular order:
Ok, so yesterday was National Pickle Day, but I just now found this and couldn’t resist sharing it!
Nothing like a good hot cup of coffee with friends at 4:00 a.m.
It’s 60℉ already!! Unreal for the seventh of November!
We have four cooks in the house and things can get a little crowded sometimes in the kitchen area.
This is my own little private kitchen that no one else is allowed to touch.
Hoping to collect some new recipes this year, and I really do need to update this picture. I’m sure everyone is tired of seeing this one.