Life is too precious to waste a single moment of it! Live each day so that when evening comes, you can look at yourself in the mirror and say, “Yes, I am proud of what I filled my day with.”♥
Life is too precious to waste a single moment of it! Live each day so that when evening comes, you can look at yourself in the mirror and say, “Yes, I am proud of what I filled my day with.”♥
Is to be lived. (Password protected)
A day without a smile is a day wasted!
by VeroMariquita ·
3-June-2018, 11:47 am
A while back we did a meet and greet in which each member did a short blog with info about their lives, location, feelings. etc. (anything they felt comfortable sharing)
This is good to do because it helps us get better acquainted
It would be nice to see our new members post a few things about their lives.
(Now please don’t take this as me being nosy or trying to invade anyone’s privacy, lol, just share what you feel comfortable with.
I will start off with…. I am happily married, live in central West Virginia, thirty miles from the nearest small town on a 52 acre farm. (I like to tell people that I am not really a farmer, but just live in the country.)
I love gardening and raise all sorts of flowers and veggies. We have a few chickens for fresh eggs, three dogs to keep the deer at bay and a spoiled old black cat.
We built a large house about 20 years ago and my youngest daughter, her hubby and two children, (Gina, 12 and Zeke, 2 1/2) live with us. (Just like on the Waltons)
Anything else you would like to know just ask and I will probably tell you.
Looking forward to reading all your meet and greet blogs.
A good friend and I have challenged each other to a small weight loss goal. He needed to drop 15 and I had an extra 9 that I have found somewhere this winter.
He has lost ten and I have lost 7. Not bad for six weeks!
Today is National Peach Ice Cream Day!
Gotta love this sculpture shared in a comment to me by one of my friends in Tennessee.
Love my new “office” chair cover. It’s nicely padded and soooo comfy
These are the actual Valentines I received in elementary school.
So many years ago and so many memories! ♥♥♥
Bless that groundhog’s little pea-pickin’ heart!
The subject for today is…..WARMTH! An unusual topic for a late January morning!
After the gripping cold temperatures of the past few days, 50℉ will actually feel like a heat wave!
My area is actually supposed to reach the low 60s before colder air moves back into the region.
Looking forward to seeing this again!