SUNDAY 8-18-’24

An escaped kangaroo caused quite a flurry of interest when he/she was spotted hopping down a West Virginia highway.
I received a barrage of posts, asking if it was near me.
Luckily, the escapade ended well and the errant critter was safely returned home.
I would love to have this in my upstairs domain.
by VeroMariquita ·
3-June-2018, 11:47 am
A while back we did a meet and greet in which each member did a short blog with info about their lives, location, feelings. etc. (anything they felt comfortable sharing)
This is good to do because it helps us get better acquainted
It would be nice to see our new members post a few things about their lives.
(Now please don’t take this as me being nosy or trying to invade anyone’s privacy, lol, just share what you feel comfortable with.
I will start off with…. I am happily married, live in central West Virginia, thirty miles from the nearest small town on a 52 acre farm. (I like to tell people that I am not really a farmer, but just live in the country.)
I love gardening and raise all sorts of flowers and veggies. We have a few chickens for fresh eggs, three dogs to keep the deer at bay and a spoiled old black cat.
We built a large house about 20 years ago and my youngest daughter, her hubby and two children, (Gina, 12 and Zeke, 2 1/2) live with us. (Just like on the Waltons)
Anything else you would like to know just ask and I will probably tell you.
Looking forward to reading all your meet and greet blogs.
How many acres are cleared? How many acres are horizontal?
My house is pretty much in the center of the land so my neighbors on either side are close to a quarter mile away. I can see the house of the neighbor to the East, but the house on the West is out of sight around a bend.
I have about 20 acres of workable, fairly level land and the rest is wooded. It lies in a valley about four miles off the highway. Of course you saw my road, which is actually two lane with no center line (meaning you can pass on it but watch out for the ditch)
Oh and forget all that long name and just call me "Vero". No I am not French...American as apple pie... but I have been Vero to all my online friends for many years.
Hi, I'm Steve. I'm just getting over a nasty case of the Shingles. Oh, & I don't like vegetables
When you were really, really bad sick, Steve, I would cringe every time that cartoon came on and hope that you didn't see it.
I have put a custom box on my page with everyone's name and location in it. I can leave it public if you want or I can set it just for my own use
. I have trouble remembering where everyone is and every time I write it on paper I lose the paper. {#}
Any location areas that I listed were posted openly, not told to me in private. I just wrote them down because I have trouble remembering them.
Vero is always tracking cookies.... And cakes, fudge, and biscuits too.
Mostly just chocolate chip and snickerdoodles. {#}
I just went to your page - I didn't see no location box!
Can you hear me now? Errrrr can you see it now?
Yep, I can see it now - I didn't know I wuz from Ohio!
I just put Ohio cause I didn't know how to spell Timbucktoo.
Well where the heck wuz you then????
Ohio, but I didn't know that!
You nut!!!
This is one of my favorite photos!
Gina and I, investigating the intricate parts of a flower.
Love it! Made my day!!
Busy day ahead. Love your cat!
Life is so uncertain right now and people are scared. Even some of the worst, are eager and anxious to see something good, decent and positive. I posted this simple picture of my room window and flowers, and it sparked a whole day of comments and likes.
There are those whose only interest and aim is to be negative and tear things apart. Thankfully, they are outnumbered by really nice folks!
Another Sunday has rolled around.
A day of rest, reflection and relaxation.
Count your Blessings!