Good Morning Xland! 53 and Very blue 💙 here this morning! (Not me…… the sky) I'm in the pink! 💗 Thankfulsome Thursday!! (How's that Linda?)
Good Morning Everyone!!! I can't type for laughing! I have tears in my eyes! 😂😂 I see I have a lot of responses to catch up on! Lemme sip a little of this brown "Waker-Upper" stuff and I'll get right to it!
OOPS! I got so busy wandering around over the net that I almost forgot to say Good Morning!! Weather has hopefully changed. I heard lots of rain, one minute before midnight !!👍 Good prediction! Only supposed to get up in the 70s today! Time for a big pot of beef stew!
Five o'clock and all's well!! Good Morning World! 50 lovely degrees here in the WV Hills this morning! A gorgeous day coming up! Coffee time!
Today starts a new month…welcome September! Where has the year gone? Let's all sit down with a cup of coffee and talk about it! What has been the best part of your year so far?