Thanksgiving is over and it’s time to start thinking really seriously about The Christmas Holidays! My favorite picture from way back. The tree looks a bit different each year but basically stays the same. Sorta like my life… different- yet the same!


Today will be spent raking and bagging the windfall of long needles from the white pine trees on the property.They will be used to fill the dog’s boxes and to make comfy nests for the hens to lay their eggs in. Any leftovers will be used in spring for veggie mulch. White pine is not […]


Back through my years of social media, I have been called by multiple names. Veto, Verp (from typos) Over and Rove (deliberate typos from Setty). Granny Clampett (springing from my personality and ability to cook up a good possum. It still goes on…the name calling..(.some of them actually nice.) ((Grin)) Last week it was Flossie…Part […]