MM – 7/8

Morning Civatar! It’s another start to a new week which means Music Monday has rolled around. I chose this classic Phil Collins song, hard to believe it was released over 40 years ago, (doesn’t that make me feel old!). This is a live version, that has a rather long introduction, you can skip ahead about 2 and half minutes or so to get to where he starts singing. Just an amazing performance where he doesn’t miss a beat with that iconic drum performance.

Have a favorite tune? Feel free to post it for today’s Music Monday!

MM – 7/1

For today’s Music Monday, I chose another Teddy Swims song. I know I posted one of his big hits several weeks ago, but I just love his voice. He and Chris Stapleton have such wonderful, raspy, soulful voices. Feel free to join in and post your own favorite tune for Music Monday. Music is always a good way to start the day or week off with and life one’s spirits a bit.


It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s a hummingbird moth… Sorry these pics aren’t the best, I was getting ready to head out the door and I spied the moth out the window, so the pics were taken thru the window so I wouldn’t scare it off opening the door.

Also included, a couple of more bloom pics…

2 for Tuesday

Despite the heat yesterday, I spied these two guys when I stepped out the door. Today promises to be just as hot. At the moment not much is moving outside, but I hope to grab some more pics today. I took a few flower pics yesterday. If I get around to it, I will post them later.

Stay safe in this heat!

MM – 6/24

Morning Bloggers, it promises to be a hot one today with triple digits and I have already been out and tried to get everything watered before it gets much worse out there. Please remember to put out water for your pets, birds, and the critters and have a shady cool spot available for them in this heat.

I chose this song for today’s Music Monday since it is officially summer. Stay cool everyone and feel free to post a song for today’s Music Monday!

Follow Up

There evidently needs to be a follow up to the last blog I wrote about “brokenness”. That blog was written in response to a petty and spiteful “update” that was posted on the activity page. It was the first posting of the day by an individual to needle and goad another member here. That member hadn’t posted anything to merit that particular “update” and it was seen for what it was.

I’m sorry if that poster of that update is unable to see clearly, or doesn’t like seeing their reflection. No amount of excuses, deflection, or feigned innocence is going to cover up that fact. If you post such remarks, you can expect to be called out for the rudeness and cattiness you displayed.

Here is an idea, how about not posting such negativity and vitriol in the first place? How about not criticizing what others post and spend the time productively writing a more “personal and heartfelt” blog yourself instead of spamming the activity page with nonsense and repeated postings of the same thing every day? How about taking your own advice and ignore what others post and just set your preferences to “friends”? I don’t think any of those suggestions are too difficult.

Easy-peasy problem solved.

7 for Saturday

Some quick pics taken on my walk to the mailbox. It’s another hot and windy day here so the blooms will be fading fast.

The reds seem to be in abundance today. I tried to post different daylilies than the ones posted yesterday. It’s always a toss up to see which ones will be blooming early, and which ones are wanting to take their sweet time. There is still more to come, so I guess that is a warning to be prepared to be bored with more pics later on this month.

A bonus pic…another red/pink variety blooming today again.


Broken. That is a good term to describe an individual who is unhappy and yet tries to convince the world and themselves that they aren’t. That they are happy, well adjusted, positive, and cheerful. I don’t know who they are trying to fool, themselves or everybody else, or both?

The other day I logged on here and read a foul, spiteful, needling post directed at one of the members here on this blogging site. It was followed by more rantings and ravings and negativity towards that member and others, blaming pretty much the whole world’s problems or at the very least this blog site’s problems on them.

I chose to stay away and not blog that day. Hoping that individual would get whatever it was out of their system and that they would take some personal reflection on their words and actions. Silly me to think that was even an option as they have never taken responsibility for their words and actions in the past or ever offered up an apology for them. Instead, there was more personal attacks on that individual they had singled out.

They complained about that individual’s postings of jokes, bits of information, history, and other things they post on here. Accusations of trying to “run down” the complainer’s own posts down the page so they would be hidden from view. That what that blogger posts weren’t valid, of interest, and wasn’t “personal” enough. That what they posted was on the news, in mainstream media and wasn’t blog worthy of anyone’s attention. That the individual’s posts were not “heartfelt” or had any “meaning”.

The irony is palpable. After viewing the posts from the complaining “blogger”, and I use that term loosely, contained posting of game scores, several comments on the weather, a music video, and links to other sites. All things viewable on the internet and news elsewhere. The only thing that they posted that was “heartfelt and personal” was the petty and bullying post about wanting to upset and provoke another blogger.

Wow. More than disappointing. I don’t’ know what to feel for that person. Pity? Anger? Disgust? Do I waste any emotion on them at all? Where does all of that mean spiritedness come from? Brokenness? Neediness? Mental health issues? Or just an issue of character? Or lack thereof?

I know that individual that was the victim of that individual’s attack won’t ever receive an apology from them. And it bothers me that there isn’t any accountability here. So to Suzi, I offer you an apology from this site, this blogger for the abuse and vitriol that was aimed at you the other day. I’m sorry that this individual seems to have a fixation of pettiness towards you and to anyone else who calls you a friend. I want to also want to thank you for rising above the nastiness and not falling for their need to pick a fight, to upset, and disrupt this blogging site.

Thank you for all that you do post, whatever you chose to post that is your business. I know, that I have been criticized in the past for writing too long of blogs. I posted two blogs on plants today. I’m sure that might be viewed by some as excessive, uninteresting, and not personal enough. It is what I felt like blogging about today, so I did. I guess you can count this third blog as a bonus. My apologies if it “runs” anyone down the activity front page.

Tomorrow will be another day and there will be more postings of the same thing that there always is on here, so don’t worry. It will be off the front page soon enough to those who worry about such things.

Have a good night bloggers.

Two for Tuesday

Just a couple of pics taken earlier this spring that I never got posted. I will try and post more garden pics on my garden page later this week of the rest of those that didn’t get posted along with some new pics of daylilies blooming. We will see if the weather will cooperate. Windy today with storms to move in this evening, so it will be iffy on how those poor flowers will look by the end of the week!