September 11, 2001…
So very much more than the obvious happened that day…
That day…a people, separated by politics, religion, color and creed, became one…
That day…voices, once silent, rose above the din of jet engines, crumbling buildings and screams, and said, ‘We shall not stand for this!’…
That day…Faith, Hope, Honor, Love, Courage and Unity rose from the ashes…
That day…grace took grief by the hand…
A tribute to those who lost their lives, and to those who gave their lives trying to save them…
Just Another Ordinary Day
It was just an ordinary day
In the greatest city in the world
There were those who were at work
Or dropping kids off at their schools
The sun was shining brightly
The sky, a brilliant blue
And they were doing all the normal things
That people normally do
Amid the hustle and the bustle
New Yorkers carried on
For little they did know
3000 lives would soon be gone
I won’t rehash the madness
Of that horrifying day
For it’s etched within our memories
Where it will forever stay
I will say, though, that it changed us
And we never more shall be
Unguarded and unwary
No more complacency
Together we will conquer
United we will stand
bin Laden could not break us
In solidarity we will band
And, always, we will remember
The evil that touched this land
On that day filled with such sadness
The day that grace took grief by the hand…
SCW 09/08
Copyright © 2008 Suzi Q’ute Inc. All rights reserved.
This posting is the intellectual property of the author and her heirs and is not to be copied or reproduced in any form without the author’s written consent.
Please, pray for peace.