Where would we be without our memories?
The picture is me, Easter morning…um…1956ish…I think…
As you can see, my Easter basket is empty.
I’d like to tell you how that came to pass…
I remember how excited I would get on the Saturday morning before Easter, knowing we (there were 4 of us) would get to decorate Easter eggs for the Easter bunny to hide the next day.
My Mom would get out a dozen eggs (had I known then what I know now, this certainly would have been a red flag) and we would have to wait while they boiled and then cooled (one might have thought she would have been enterprising enough to cook them way before-hand, but, no….).
Finally, it was time…out came the PAAS box…out came the cups to mix the dye in…the metal egg holders to dip the eggs with so we didn’t get our fingers covered with dye (yeah, right)…the crayon to write our name with so the dye wouldn’t stick to the egg…all the stickers…glue…glitter…
Oh! the hours it took to get each one perfect! (My poor Mother!) We each had to have one with our own name on it…
Easter morning was always the same…we would get up and go downstairs for breakfast and, there, on the table, were our Easter baskets…all that green ‘grass’ and filled with all kinds of goodies…chocolate bunnies, malted eggs (good grief, I love malted eggs), Silly Putty, a stuffed bunny or chick, a book…Sigh…
Then we had to eat breakfast, or, perhaps, I should say ‘inhale’ breakfast…Hey! We were on a mission!
Finally! it was time to go outside…(let the gathering of eggs begin!)…and we would search for eggs…what fun we had! It seemed like we would gather eggs for hours and hours (this, too, should have brought up a red flag, after all, we did only dye 12 eggs), but, finally, we were done and it was off to church.
But, I digress…actually, I’m not digressing, I just like saying that…
Which brings me to the point of the picture and the empty Easter basket…
In 1980, both my maternal Grandparents passed away…my Grandmother in February, and my Grandfather in July.
The weekend of my Grandfather’s funeral, we were all gathered together around the dining room table, talking, reminiscing, looking at pictures…and there I ran across the above picture…at the same time I ran across another picture of me…much like the first one, except that standing behind me, and bent over, reaching in my Easter basket, was my Mother…(keep in mind I was 27 at the time my Grandparents died)…I know a quizzical look came over my face and I looked at Mom and asked her what she was doing in the picture. She told me that she was taking the eggs out of my basket so that she could re-hide them.
Well….I gotta tell you…I was totally dumb-struck. Totally. I had NO idea that this went on. I suspect that if I had had children, I might have known this…but, I didn’t…so, I didn’t. I was floored. Well, we all had a big laugh out of this…but, I have to admit….to this day, it still stuns me.
Anywho…That’s why my flippin’ Easter basket is empty.
I was robbed.
Where would we be without our memories?
They remind us to make each day special…for it, too, shall be someone’s memory one day…
It’s a bit of a dreary Monday…time to kick back…close your eyes…and…
And, of course, we can all always use…
Enjoy your day!
High of 51° here today…high of 81° on Friday…you gotta love Spring weather…
Hope your day is a good one!
a leap of faith
love can not be known by reason
it requires simply a leap of faith
it comes to us in its own season
and is and will be what we make
we can choose to let it flourish
or we can simply let it die
but should we choose to let it perish
will regret be always in our minds
though should we choose to let it blossom
and like a flower we let it grow
let us never take this love for granted
and let us never ever let it go…
Copyright © 2023 Suzi Q’ute Inc. All rights reserved.
This posting is the intellectual property of the author and her heirs and is not to be copied or reproduced in any form without the author’s written consent.
Since I can’t seem to find any place where I can comment and post an image, I guess I’ll do it here…
I hit ‘send reply’ and nothing happens…
Sign at a local greenhouse…
There is a place that I often go
Where fantasies abound
Where the magical and mystical
Always can be found
Where pixies, sprites and fairies
Wile away the day
Chasing elves and little gnomes
Causing mischief as they play
Where Pegasus soars through the skies
And the Unicorn roams free
Where mighty dragons rule the earth
And mermaidens rule the sea
Where ancient beast still wander
And ghostly things reside
Where wizards conjure mystery
From the visions in their minds
Where everything I dream about
Will always come to be
And wishes aren’t just fleeting things
But thoughts come true for me
There is a place that I often go
Where I can always find
The magical and the mystical
That place is in my mind…
SCW 6/07
Copyright© 2023 Suzi Q’ute Inc. All rights reserved.
This posting is the intellectual property of the author and her heirs and is not to be copied or reproduced in any form without the author’s written consent.
My Wedding Songs
That’s just crazy…lol…