“Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” is a song written by Nickolas Ashford & Valerie Simpson in 1966 for the Tamla label, a division of Motown. The composition was first successful as a 1967 hit single recorded by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell, and became a hit again in 1970 when recorded by former Supremes frontwoman Diana Ross. The song became Ross’s first solo number-one […]
Author: Suzi
For Nahi, Vic, Paulo, WJ and Mac…
I have a perfect circle of friends and they suit me to a tee not too many, not too few just all there needs to be . I know I can depend on them they always have my back which, sadly, is a quality a lot of people lack . They aren’t crude and they […]
First Day of Fall
The Fall . The earth becomes a canvas, as the leaves fall all around, of brightly painted pictures laying on the ground . The Autumn air is filled with scents as the winds begin to play The days grow short, the nights grow long As the Summer fades away . Before the Winter snow flies […]
Who doesn’t love Mother Nature?
Indian Pipe This fascinating plant (Monotropa uniflora) is definitely one of nature’s weird wonders. Because it has no chlorophyll and doesn’t depend on photosynthesis, this ghostly white plant is able to grow in the darkest of forests. Many people refer to this strange plant as Indian pipe fungus, but it is not a fungus at […]
Just a little something…
…for you to have in your head for the rest of the day.😁 No need to thank me!
What a great idea!
Chipped teapot…don’t landfill it…donate to a bird … It even has its own drainage system… Enjoy your day!
September 11, 2001… So very much more than the obvious happened that day… That day…a people, separated by politics, religion, color and creed, became one… That day…voices, once silent, rose above the din of jet engines, crumbling buildings and screams, and said, ‘We shall not stand for this!’… That day…Faith, Hope, Honor, Love, Courage and […]
22 years ago…
I was going to post ‘Where Were You [when the world stopped turning]’, but some scoundrel, who shall remain nameless, beat me to it. So I’ll post the next best thing… Today we remember those lives lost due to the 9/11 Terrorist attacks. We continue to remember and thank those who so selflessly put their […]