Love Never Dies

Love Never Dies


I will sit here with you, by the river

And watch the lazy clouds drift by

You’ll always know that I’m here with you

For I’m, forever, by your side.

You will see my face in the rippling water

You’ll hear my voice as a breeze blows by

My smile will appear in the Spring’s first iris

My eyes will sparkle in the Summer sky…

I am not gone, I did not leave you

My heart is breaking, at your despair

But, you’ll always know that I’m here with you

For you’ll feel my presence every where.

~Those who touch our lives remain in our hearts forever~

Copyright© 2012 Suzi Q’ute Inc. All rights reserved.

This posting is the intellectual property of the author and her heirs and is not to be copied or reproduced in any form without the author’s written consent.

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1 month ago

Wow, that is just lovely Suzi!