How to make spell-check implode…

Copy and paste something that jim/ghostrider wrote into an email and hit ‘send’…

lots can piss you off besides taxes

gots a letter, escrow /minus little over 400

for 11 month..they known this apparently thru the fed and state laws the actual required month


why would citizens as most probably christiany,just glide along.then just prior to a yr ,cconnect with your customers paying your weekly wages via the matching basically interest they SOAK THE FUCK out of beyond me

but ,as we know.corrupt love this shit that continues to feed abnd build into what hikes cost because greed is all they know..

think about that.its sad.yet they no remorsefully let it carry on.

but still.I think thats wrong in every simplified way of things.YOU WAS LIED TO WHEN THEY  HAD YOU SIGN AN AGREEMENT FOR A SET AMOUT.and THEY not followed according to their own documentations federal sstate laws..should that not be a fellony or some charge..rather than make you pay for something you not signed for.and the attempt to make you PAY MORE A MONTH THAT YOU SIGNED IN ON A LOCKED LOAN..

amusing it is.but rest ashured.their ignorance is very wrong in many ways.

not even EXPLAIN or send a LETTER there is going to be a change and WHAT is specifically causing the increase.

little irritating.but rest ashured if it can be helped.they will not get the full amount at a shot if can help.and if the game ends up happening again.then its considering to migrate and nab up a point more down or so to cut the fees monthly.but thats can be a headache all in its own so..who knows..its just messeed up how your basically missinformned but I guarantee.there be some ringing going on..and I may even go speak with someone thats actually super nice and understands every state law here.being our land has been long gone in the lliberty an justice for all scenario..MOST dont comprehend the twist in words via actions.

I gots 2 legs.not 4 but thats just how I roll against corruptive IDIOTS IDEAS..IDEOLOGY TO SOME..I like being blunt somedays and SIMPLIFIED as best possible.

old school straight up.but thats the USELESS rant of for yesterday


I fell asleep early hearing kids racket for 3 hr!  lol

so thats that and no the steam did not dissipate

if you cant splurge bout 12 bucks what not ever blue moon on a whim.there could be a change you may truly regret.and nothing is missed today because the past has been very prominant to prove these digits have rolled back already twice in a row.odds are slim and still worthy risk.we shall vibes like 2017 has given.

so.that being said.its saturday.and looks like she be off to a event with co worker,me getting all my clothing gear and get into the wash..4 hrs and may try to locate a spot for few rounds of I know whats what.nothing should have changed.been good for 3 yrs.

might get me a little therapy for a short to..its been way to an inspection to do real soon as well.think may do that this week and get 2 vehicles off and out of way so it dont interfere between oct 4th and mid nov.

elsewise her car can be done durring a rain day .I can live with that.getting soaked is not a plan!

that being said.the useless rant is ending..

good rant

so.enjoy the schedule is like other things

subject to change with out further

*Note: copied word for word from his comment…🙄🙄🙄

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8 months ago

I swear the guy had to be drinking or on something when he blogged. Half the time it seemed like he was having a conversation with himself in some of those blogs.

8 months ago

Poor old goat rider. He was always so vulgar.I never read all the things he wrote because it made my eyes ache. Really. It did…laff n.

8 months ago
Reply to  Suzi

Among other things…a nutcase.

8 months ago

I’m still lmbo @ your post here Suzi. This is some funny stuff. Thanks for the chuckles. 😂