I have a perfect circle of friends
and they suit me to a tee
not too many, not too few
just all there needs to be
I know I can depend on them
they always have my back
which, sadly, is a quality
a lot of people lack
They aren’t crude and they aren’t vulgar
nor hurtful, crass or mean
they are friendly, kind and genuine
and that’s how they’ve always been
I’ve known some of them forever
at least, it feels that way
and some relationships are quite new
but, grow stronger every day
There are those who could take lessons
from these friends I hold most dear
and learn what true friendship’s all about
for they make it pretty clear
scw 01/20

Thank you Suzi for your friendship as well. (whispers) and for not selling me out if tacos are involved….but I would forgive you if they were really good tacos AND if you shared! 😆
You are the main rubberband in this circle. Every time one of us gets out of sorts, you snap us back together. Then, of course, we bounce off the other. Sort of like if we did drugs together, or got drunk, or ate a bunch of bags of candy, or sniffed hair spray, something… 😂