The Sunrise Calls To Me
Before my day gets started
before work can interfere
I sit out on the front porch
and wait for the sun to appear
Quietly I sit there
with my morning cup
anxiously awaiting
the sun’s coming up
There is silence all around me
everything is still
no birds, no breeze, no sound at all
just the quiet, if you will
As it creeps up o’er the river
how pink the sky becomes
causing a spectrum of color
before the rising’s done
It makes the dewdrops speak to me
as they glisten on the grass
and I am filled with deep contentment
an equanimity, at last
This miracle of nature
this gift from God’s own hand
this morning sun shall warm the earth
as it shines down upon the land
Before my day gets started
before work can interfere
I am thankful for this miracle
and this time I hold so dear…
Have a great day!
Copyright© 2023 Suzi Q’ute Inc. All rights reserved. This posting is the intellectual property of the author and her heirs and is not to be copied or reproduced in any form without the author’s written consent.

Wow, beautiful Suzi!…and NO, I am not looking up the word equanimity… 😀
Thanks, Vic!