This Land That I Love

This Land That I Love

This place where I, as a child, played

On the shore, with shells and things

Where I wiled away those youthful days

And dared to dream my dreams

Where my reality was a fiddler crab

and pebbles on the beach

Where the things that I dreamed about the most

were never beyond my reach

If ever there was a happy time

in these many days of my life

It was here, beside my river

Where all the world was right

The peace, the quiet, the serenity

this river brings to me

This place that stole my heart away

it is my reality

I will miss this rolling river

by this land that I dearly love

and all the nature that abounds

these gifts from up above

…but, I’ll take with me my memories

Of all these years gone by

And leave behind my heart…my tears

As I, sadly, say goodbye

And maybe, in my future

another river I shall find

that waits for me, that calls to me

and brings me peace of mind

So, out with the old, in with the new

I hope they love it, too

and find, in it, their heart and soul

a place where dreams come true…

And, so, with that, I say, Auf Wiedersehen…

Kann der tanz des flusses immer,und freude zu denen zu holen, die es lieben…

SCW 5/07

Translation…May the river always dance, and bring joy to those who love it…

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2 years ago

Beautiful Suzi! I know how you feel, my grandparent’s family farm was sold this year to someone else. With all of my aunts and uncles getting older, and their kids all scattered, there really was no point in them keeping it any longer. The farmland had been rented out for years and the house has sat neglected. Bittersweet.