Imagine not existing. Assuming you DO exist, you probably can, though you may not want to. No problem.

But, imagine the frustration of not existing, and having people constantly insisting that you DO. And, no matter how long you haven’t existed, they just won’t stop.

Anonymous support groups have been formed for a variety of personal issues such as alcoholism, excess drug use, gambling, and overeating.
One more may be needed: ETDEA– Entities That Don’t Exist Anonymous

It would be dedicated to improving the emotional well-being of a special group with a unique problem, that of non-existence.  
Non-existence is the ultimate problem, a status that all of us will experience eventually. This association is not for everyone, however, but to meet the special needs of entities that:
(1) Have never existed, and never will.
(2) Have been given identities by human beings who should know better, created in their imaginations out of a desire to believe that such an entity exists, and usually assigned qualities such as a power and willingness to assist mortal humans in some way.
(3) Are confused and perplexed by the paradox of their pseudo-existence within the minds of their believers and their actual non-existence.

A wide variety of gods, ghosts, fairies, elves, demons and devils could benefit.   Other non-existences like “widespread voter fraud” and “stolen elections” should also join.  Though it should be easy to join anonymously, the end goal will be to emerge from the virtual closet and proclaim to the world, “I don’t exist, and I’m proud of it!”

This, in turn, will also help the humans who would be much better off just believing in reality.


I see that I get emails saying that I need to “approve” comments as they come, and also emails telling me there is a comment.
I don’t need to know about each one, nor do I feel the need to approve them as if I were afraid of what they might say.
I’m wondering if there might be a setting to turn those features off. I haven’t found it yet.

Jello world!

The world seems to have the stability of jello these days.  That includes this WordPress editor, as well as the wider sphere of geopolitical situations (which I’m sure to discuss later)  I long for the good old days when you could just write html code and make it look like you wanted.

And, without a “license key”, am I blogging without a license?  What if I get pulled over?  It doesn’t tell me where to apply for this license, or whether there’s a test, or a fee.

If only all the idiots who want to buy guns had to get a license, take a test, and register every deadly weapon and box of ammo, THAT would be a step in the right direction.

–cosmic rat  December 25