Everyone needs a good garden tiller to loosen up all that rich dirt once in a while.
Over the years, I have had all sizes and brands, with most of them serving my purpose at the time.
Now that I am older and have pared down my garden, I don’t do nearly as much digging and decided an electric tiller would be perfect for me. I have a power source right beside the garden, and a good heavy duty 200 ft. extension cord would let me till over the whole patch.

Meet Tilly! (Yes, Jill, I have a “Tilly” also!)

She is very efficient and serves me well.

My New Crocus

It seems new to me, even though quite a bit of time has passed since that first tiny orange bloom made it’s appearance. The “Orange Monarch” is one of the early crocuses that bloom around two weeks ahead of the standard larger ones.

Voles have taken their toll on the planting, but I hope to see some of their cheery little faces soon.


This time last year, a special friend and I, decided to extend the growing season by purchasing indoor gardening equipment. I bought my first ever grow light. He went even more elaborate, and bought shelving to hold his plants.
We both ended up with long, leggy plants that we had no idea what to do with, long before it was time to put them in the garden.
It was fun though, and made the winter pass a lot faster.