Not much happening this month in the garden.
My moonflowers have started to bloom, and the flowers are an awesome seven inches across!
The fragrance is lovely and those large vines are attractive even without the flowers.

I need to get them out earlier next year. I fear frost will get most of the buds.


I discovered this gorgeous, delicate pink daylily this summer and had no idea where it came from.

I had moved a couple that weren’t growing well where they were but thought they were a rust color.

It produced several lovely flowers and I was thrilled to have it, but had no idea what it’s name was.

Yesterday, while trimming a bush, I found a tag fastened down next to the ground. VOILA!!! Mystery solved. And what a sweet name for a sweet flower…….”Love Gift.”


I planted several different types of cosmos this year. They are slow to bloom because of the unstable weather we have had all year, but they are slowly coming to life.

This pink Seashell Cosmos is looking a bit ratty, but the bees don’t mind.