~SPRING 2024~


Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sighhhhhh where to begin! So many new things in the garden today. Three colors of anemone blanda are out. (I have never been able to get anything but the purple to bloom) Only three tiny flowers, so not really camera worthy, but very promising!
Thirty clumps of daffodil “Tete-a-Tete” from the three 50 cent pots of stems I bought ten years ago. (Money well-spent

Crocus galore!!

A tiny frog hopped into the pond as I walked by. Hopefully all his friends will join him soon.


First seed order arrived yesterday! Let the planting begin!!

Trying two new tomatoes this year in addition to my usuals.-Big Beef Hybrid, a large red tomato, and Chef’s Choice Yellow, both offerings from Park’s Seed. I can almost taste that crisp, juicy first slice now!


Helebores are always the first to make a spring appearance! I never could remember the name, until one day my dear departed friend Sarah said to me, “You just don’t wanna say ‘Hell’ !” (She knew I hated salty language of any kind). I never forgot the name after that!


“HEAVY BREATHING” Jun 4, ’11 9:12 PM
for Vero’s network
I did hear (could have been Vic) some heavy breathing yesterday morning, but thought it was just hubby and I tryin to get the blankety-blank tiller to start.
We have an old Troy-Built that is as faithful as it gets… starts second pull every time.

After finally getting the mud dried up I was merrily tilling away and stopped to rake a bit. When I started the tiller again it took right off as usual, ran a few seconds, and started going “put put put” and belching black smoke. I shut it off and ran for hubby.

He checked every moving part, squirted it with some foul-smelling stuff but nothing seemed to help. (Even the usual well-placed kick didn’t work this time)

Now it wouldn’t even “put put”.

We left it sitting for several hours while we contemplated going out to get a new one figuring it had died of old age.

He went back to take another look at it and in a moment he said, “I think the tiller is fixed. Try it.”

I gave it a yank and sure enough…it purred like a kitten!

It seems the two little cog wheely things that engage to control the choke had slipped awry somehow, and the choke wouldn’t shut off. It was trying to run with the choke on. When he poked at them he heard a click. They popped back in place and now it works as if nothing had happened.

Who knows, maybe even tillers can play dead if they feel like a good rest.

Gardeners added note: I have now gone electric!