Hemerocallis (day lily) “Dad’s Best White” thought today was Father’s Day!
So did I
Hemerocallis (day lily) “Dad’s Best White” thought today was Father’s Day!
So did I
These lovely geraniums are adding extra pizazz to my front porch!
I moved this lily earlier in the year and it seems really happy in it’s new home. Can’t wait to see it in full bloom! ~”Oklahoma Sand Burr”~ The edges are called “shark’s teeth”.
Quite unique!
Astilbe…one of the most striking of the late May, early June plants in the garden. It’s “cotton candy” plumes stand out amongst the sea of green!
A favorite hash tag on X is #WhatsInYourVase. I have always loved this shot featuring my little Flowering Almond branch! Sadly, the bush died and I have never replaced it.
Lady Z is still giving me an abundance of lovely blooms. I love bringing them in, and filling my room with their wild rose fragrance!
Peonies are starting to come out now! I have always loved the color of this one. I have no idea of the variety, or even where I got it!
The garden seems to be on steroids this year!! Everything is a good two weeks ahead of schedule. Looking back over last years pictures, I see that the iris were blooming mostly near the middle of May. As of today, (4-28) three are out and lots more have buds showing color. I love it when the garden is riot of color!
My two new daylilies arrived today! Tequila and lime, and Voodoo Dancer.
Already in the ground.
I hope they are as colorful as pictured!
Slowly but surely, the garden springs to life!
What could be more heartwarming than seeing those first flowers and shrubs spring bravely into bloom, despite all the constant weather changes that take place due to the whims of Mother Nature!