I’m feeling a bit nostalgic for today’s Music Monday, been awhile since I had listened to this song from one of my favorite bands. Have a favorite? Feel free to post it for today’s Music Monday.
I’m feeling a bit nostalgic for today’s Music Monday, been awhile since I had listened to this song from one of my favorite bands. Have a favorite? Feel free to post it for today’s Music Monday.
Yes, I know I missed Music Monday, so for today… it will be “Tunes for Tuesday” to make up for it. I thought this song fit perfectly for today as for all of the past several days! Hopefully others that are out there feeling under the weather are starting to feel better.
First Music Monday of 2025! I chose this song today because it’s such a classic, and I love this video they made with clips from the vintage movie “Metropolis”.
Have a favorite tune running thru your head? Feel free to post it for today’s Music Monday.
Here we are, with the last Music Monday for 2024. I chose this cute and catchy song by Sia since there is a forecast for snow a few days this week…Ugh!
Have a favorite tune? Feel free to post it for today’s Music Monday.
Here it is the last Monday before Christmas. Still a ton of stuff to do, but thankfully my family is getting together after Christmas, so I have a few more days to procrastinate.
Lots of great Christmas songs to choose from, but I ended up picking this one but not after listening to several this morning.
A beautiful rendition by such a talented guy that sings all of his parts and put together this amazing video.
Have a favorite Christmas song? Feel free to post it for today’s Music Monday.
I had bought some Pillsbury crescent rolls in the tubes to make at Thanksgiving time, but didn’t end up making them as my sister-in-law had brought some other rolls as well. So, the other day I went looking for something to make with the unopened rolls of dough. I had seen several times the recipe for the layered cream cheese concoction of cream cheese sandwiched between two layers of the crescent roll dough but instead, I came across several different YouTube videos on making cream cheese Danish instead.
Is it a Danish? Is it a pastry? Is it a kolache? Who knows, it is a semblance of all of them I guess and a lot easier than making actually pastry dough the old-fashioned way. Most of the recipes were similar in their approach and to make the easy pastry, Danish, kolache is as follows…
Open up the tube of crescent roll but do not unroll the dough.
Slice the tube of dough into six equal round discs.
Place them on a parchment lined cookie sheet and then using the bottom of a cup or bowl or jar, etc, press down each round til there is a depression in the center of the disc, and they are enlarged a bit.
Fill the center of the depression with a cream cheese mixture or with a dollop of fruit filling, or both.
The cream cheese mixture consisted of an 8oz. block of softened cream cheese, granulated sugar, an egg, and either a bit of vanilla or lemon juice.
Brush the Pastry with an egg wash (I didn’t). and bake for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.
You can drizzle on a powdered sugar glaze which was optional.
With a little bit more tinkering I think it could be a pretty good easy go to idea for breakfast for company or just for family. I think next time I would try it with frozen puff pastry instead and maybe try adding the fruit filling along with the cream cheese filling.
I’ll give the recipe a B or B+.
The big day is getting closer and there are just too many wonderful Christmas songs to choose from! I finally selected this song, and it is hard to believe it is from 40 years ago back in 1984! How many of the musical artists do you recognize?
Brace yourself, Christmas songs are coming for the rest of the month! There are so many great Christmas songs out there by so many groups and singers it is hard to just whittle it down to just a couple of songs for this month. I chose this song to hopefully lift anyone’s spirits and get them in the right frame of mind for the season.
Have a favorite tune? Feel free to post a song for today’s Music Monday. Extra brownie points if it is a song that fits the holiday theme.
I know, I know, it’s December, I should be posting some Christmas music for today’s Music Monday. But I came across this song the other day and was really impressed. Yes, most of you know Elton John’s “Rocket Man”, but have you heard a bluegrass version of it? Pretty neat, not sure if it is because of the talent of these guys, or that a good song will transcend any music genre, or a bit of both. You decide.
Feel free to join in and post your own favorite tune for today’s Music Monday.
Eggs that is, specifically deviled eggs. It was a conversation that came up at the dinner table on Thanksgiving and that different families make it different ways and even in one family, everyone has their own take on the recipe.
Usually, one of my sisters-in-law brings the deviled eggs. She doesn’t mind making them and that is a relief to me. I find they can be tedious at times, especially when you have fairly new eggs that are not the easiest to peel every so often.
My sister-in-law makes them the old-fashioned way with vinegar, mayo, mustard, etc that is added to the yolks which have been mashed with a fork and then spooned into the egg whites. I make mine the way one of my aunts use to make them at Grandmas at all of the big family holiday meals. It includes miracle whip, mustard, salt, and a little sweet pickle juice. If you don’t have the pickle juice a pinch of sugar is needed to offset the mustard a bit. The whole yoke concoction is then whirled in the blender until it is very creamy and smooth with no lumps, and spooned into the waiting egg whites.
Paprika is a must. An insistence that my great grandmother would make if it was forgotten while she watched eagle-eyed at the kitchen table. She would stare at the plate of eggs, point with her boney finger at the eggs and then at the spice rack. Not a word was said by her, but the message was loud and clear… Do Not Forget the Paprika!
It’s funny how food and family tie a lot of our memories together and also tell a history of our heritage, background, and regional taste traditions. People change, recipes change, but memories are always there for the making.
The devil is always in the details, so how do you do your deviled eggs or do you even like them at all?
On a side note, I ended up making the deviled eggs this year because my sister-in-law was meeting up with her family for their traditional turkey dinner. Later on in the afternoon she and my brother stopped by on the way home and ate pie with us. I jokingly told her, that we were talking and decided that when she is not going to be able to make it for dinner, she has to drop off the deviled eggs here BEFORE she takes off somewhere else.
I thought that was a splendid idea, not so sure if she thought so though….oh well, one can always try their best!