Just a reminder that most areas should be seeing some hummingbird activity. With the odd spring we have been having, I am surprised to see them show up on time. I hung up a couple of feeders yesterday and they were visited in less than 5 minutes. I’ll have to get out the rest of the feeders today and some more nectar made later.
Reminder that to make hummingbird food, it is 4 parts water to 1 part granulated sugar. Do not use brown sugar or honey, and please do NOT use red food coloring. Bring the water and sugar to a boil and boil a couple of minutes and then allow to cool completely before filling the feeders.
It’s overcast here this morning with rain predicted later, I’ll try and capture a pic or two if the weather and time allows.
I should have posted this yesterday with the Music Monday theme but didn’t think of it at the time.
OK music lovers — here are the rules:
Answer each category with a SONG. No repeats and don’t use the internet (it’s tempting but try not to). Go with the first song that comes to mind, and change the answers to your own. Just copy the below questions and paste in the comment section with your answers. Good luck!
It’s been quite the past week with a lot of upheaval in weather, family issues, and just life stuff in general. I never know whether to be thankful or to inwardly groan that another Monday has rolled around.
You know the drill it’s Music Monday! Pick a song favorite and post it on your blog and try to chase those doldrums away and get some energy for the week ahead. Today I have picked an oldie but a goodie. Have a good week bloggers!
We all know what to do, a lot of it is common sense. I won’t lecture anyone on the evils of pollution, global warming, not recycling, etc. etc. We tend to take things for granted, even our very existence. Let’s hope we can all be aware and more conscious on daily choices for our future selves and our planet.
It’s that time of year again, and even though we have had a few tornado watches and thunderstorms already, luckily we have gotten thru unscathed.
Last night brought more rounds of wind, rain, hail and watches and warnings. I snapped a quick pic at around 6 last night of some hail that fell. It was varying degrees of sizes and thankfully didn’t break any windows. I’ll be out later today to check to see if I see any roof damage.
Hopefully those of you to the East of me aren’t dealing with the storms today or tomorrow. Be safe if you are! We are back to windy colder weather, and will see some more below freezing temps this week-end.
As Monday rolls around again, time to start off the week with some music to sooth the savage…er tired soul. The following song is from a group that like last week, is rather new to me, but has that same sort of bluesy sound. One of my sisters-in-law turned me on to their music.
Today has started out as “one of those” kind of days that has me double checking the calendar to make sure it isn’t a real Friday the 13th day. I woke up to the smell of a burnt ham. I don’t know how the ham I put in the crockpot last night on low could burn to such a nice charcoal colored crisp. Except it wasn’t turned on low, or it was but someone turned it up. One never knows if one is losing their mind or if someone else felt the need to fiddle with the knobs. Either way, I should have double checked, I know I can’t trust things to stay put, be left alone, or remain in their place long around here.
So there goes the main course for lunch today, I might throw on some chicken breasts later. Right now I have a dessert and a casserole in the oven. Don’t let me burn those as well. Or I will be forced to dig into the bowels of the freezer and look for a frozen pizza. The truth is, I don’t even know if I have to make lunch today. I don’t know if my company will have eaten before they show up, or if they even want to eat lunch. It’s just that when I am not prepared, it’s off for take out, which gets pricey after awhile.
So I’m cooking for one, possibly two, maybe four or more. I shall see later….and I just went ahead and threw some chicken breasts in the oven. I may be eating leftovers for weeks. I can understand the dilemma my grandmother faced every week-end when unsure if family was showing up, have food on hand, eat leftovers for weeks, rinse dishes and repeat again next week-end.
Nothing has been done outside, it’s been too cold, it’s been too hot, it’s been too windy. Rain later tonight, temps near freezing the next couple of nights, and then back to somewhat normal weather for April. It is still April isn’t it? I’ve lost all track of time.
I was out in the garage earlier gathering up all my tools, getting ready to sharpen them when I realized that my bench grinder no longer works. Cue the cuss words and the aggravation. Somehow again, the knob was not only messed with but broken. I haven’t been out in the garage all winter. Elves? Gnomes? Evil sprites? Again I have a guess, but I just have deal with it and move on to find another one on sale.
I can’t find my potting soil, I can’t find half of my buckets. I can’t find my new snap on heads for my Wolf Garten tools, and I can’t find my patience.
Back again from checking on dinner. So far nothing else burned, but worried about the potatoes not being done enough so back they went in the oven. Seriously folks I can cook, really I can. Garden too, really I can, it’s just the gnomes, elves, and sprites who like to throw in those monkey wrenches. I guess I should be thankful Bigfoot hasn’t shown up, (though I had a neighbor who swore he saw one walking a hedge row once on the edge of town). Just what I need, more showing up for dinner. I hope he likes chicken or burnt ham.
I hope everyone had a nice Easter, today is that day to rush to get those discounted chocolate bunnies, malted milk ball eggs, jellybeans and other assorted Easter goodies. I will try and refrain from those clearance aisle items and start lurking in the garden centers for the soon to be incoming plants. But who knows, I might weaken just a little….black jelly beans anyone?
It’s Monday, you know what that means, it’s time for some music for “Music Monday”. Below is a video of a band that has been around awhile but is rather new to me. I think you will enjoy it as well.