Well, now that I have your attention,… a blog on/about attention as if it needed any clarification.
One cannot log on-line this past weekend without being bombarded with politics or celebrities. I’m sure you have all read or seen the story headlines on the millions of dollars Rihanna received for performing for a rich billionaire’s family for some upcoming nuptials.
That is nothing new, money, celebrities, they go hand in hand. But it’s the constant bombardment of the story by numerous outlets picking apart every detail from that story. We have to hear the author’s view on their clothes, on the performance, who all was there, how much each member of the audience makes or does for a living. Add to that the number of “news” sources that just copy and paste from other sources and it’s all quite the overkill.
YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, apply the same practices. A steady stream of snippets of stories that have been copied and pasted, or videos that have become productions of one’s viewpoints or beliefs. A few are informative, a few are thought provoking, the majority disguised as relevant cloaked in entertainment.
They all have one thing in common. Someone who wants to be seen or heard, whether or not they have contributed anything or was only just the messenger.
When did we as a society become so “needy”? Yes, I know that TikTok and YouTube can generate money and for a lot of people that is their ambition, but the underlying issue seems to be attention. It doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative, but that they are out there, in front wanting to be seen.
I have to admit, I absolutely cringe with a lot of those videos that have small children or the homeless. I hate to see the “headlight look in the eyes” of small children who have obviously been coached and looking to mom or dad for approval. Or the videos of giving money or food to the homeless on the street, or in the grocery store. One can argue all they want about those individuals trying to bring to light the issues of those people in need, but the reality is, at least in my eyes, a desire for attention, a pat on the back, an acceptance and adoration from others.
I don’t understand why one cannot give without wanting the credit for the act of kindness? Call for a news conference, make a public announcement, put your picture front and center and put on a cloak of false humility.
Pessimistic? Sure I am. It’s hard not to be with past history and knowledge of just how people are, and how they work.
I thought the quote that I posted on the activity page, went with this blog. Some may see themselves in it, some will agree, some will disagree. But I am sure it gathered some attention.
Good day bloggers.