Ham Pretzel Pleasers

(Another appetizer to go along with your deviled egg platter!)

3 ounces cream cheese

1 cup ground ham

1/4 cup chopped pecans

1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

grated onion to taste

1/2 cup chopped parsley

Small Pretzel sticks

Combine cream cheese, ground ham, pecans, worcestershire sauce, and onion. Form into about 3 dozen balls. Roll in parsley. Just before serving stick pretzel sticks into each ball to serve. (Don’t stick pretzel sticks in early or they will get soft).

Peanut Butter Bars

A lot of people are fans of the Reese’s peanut butter eggs in their Easter basket. This is a quick recipe for peanut butter bars that hits all of those peanut butter and chocolate flavor notes.

1 cup (2sticks) of either margarine or butter (softened)

2 cups of graham cracker crumbs

2 cups powdered sugar

1 cup creamy peanut butter

Mix the above ingredients and press into the bottom of a 9 x 13 inch pan.

In a double boiler melt one 12ounce package of semi-sweet chocolate chips with 1-2 Tablespoons peanut butter over low heat til smooth. Spread on peanut butter base and chill til firm. Cut into bars.

Deviled Eggs

Is there anything that screams Easter more than deviled eggs? A staple at Easter, picnics, buffets, and anywhere else a relatively cheap and easy appetizer or side dish is needed. How one makes their deviled eggs is up for debate.

There are two camps when it comes to deviled eggs, those firmly in the mayo/salad dressing side, and those who staunchly defend their vinegar infused deviled egg base. My sister-in-law is firmly in the latter, and I am in the former.

Deviled eggs makes me think of holidays at Grandmas. When the dish was made, out came the blender. The filling always had to be made in the blender to ensure a very smooth and creamy filling. A recipe was never followed, you just added the ingredients til the right consistency and taste. The boiled egg yokes, mayonnaise or Miracle whip, a bit of yellow mustard, salt, and the secret ingredient…a bit of Grandma’s homemade sweet pickle juice to sweeten the creamy base. No chopped up pickles though, just the juice!

Once that creamy mixture was whirred in the blender and carefully spooned into the waiting egg white base it then had to be topped with a sprinkling of paprika. Skip this step and a very stern look from Great Grandma (who always sat at the table in the midst of cooking mayhem) would point at the tray of naked eggs. No words were needed, it was known what she meant, don’t forget the paprika.

I’m not sure if deviled eggs will grace my Easter table this year, I don’t have any homemade pickle juice, and paprika? I have no idea if there is a jar of the spice in my cabinets. But I will make them sometime this year, just for nostalgia if nothing else.

What about your eggs? Mayo? Vinegar? Yeah? Nah? Hate? Love? What gets your eggs devilish?


Tragedy struck Civatar today as word spread that “Egg” from Nutsy and the Egg fame has gone missing. With Easter on the horizon, fears grow for the fate of the egg. The list of suspects was released and it appears that no one is exempt from suspicion.

At the top of the list of suspects…

Suzi….Who readily admitted to a love of egg salad. Fears grow that Egg will be found sandwiched between two slices of white bread with Mayo and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Til Egg is found, lunch is officially cancelled.

Legacycowgirl…Has a penchant for baking, and has the rumor mill swirling that she has whisked Egg away to meet their demise in a one egg cake. Breaths are being held to hear updates if there is going to be any frosting for the cake.

Lemoncellogman aka Paulo…Is quickly rising to the top of the list. Whispers of a possible Egg napping have been reported, and that he intends to coddle the Egg, and hatch his very own big breasted chick. No doubt he is daydreaming on whether it will be a blonde, brunette, or a redhead.

It is rumored Cosmicrat was seen recently grilling Egg on his party affiliation and that when given the silent treatment from the said Egg, sent it spinning to see if it’s leanings were to the right or to the left. It is unknown if he was aided by a rogue band of vegans who scrambled when trying to be rounded up for questioning.

Many fingers have pointed to the possibility of Vero as being the Egg stealing culprit. It has been reported that she was seen holding up the Egg to her flock of chickens and demanding they produce bigger eggs that are comparable size as to the now missing Egg. “Small egg apathy won’t be tolerated”‘ she crowed.

It has been reported that Greystarfish repeatedly admired the Egg in an almost stalkerish quality. Constantly commenting on how “beautiful” Egg was. However, audible gasps were heard when she last communed with said Egg and called Egg “delicious”. Authorities allege cracks are appearing in her feeble alibi.

Authorities are not ruling out the possibility of Jill and her accomplice Tilly. Close neighbors have reported of her having a grow lab in her basement/laboratory and that they fear that Egg will never see the light of day. Work is underway in the gruesome task of sifting through potting soil to make sure the missing victim has not been buried in the hopes of the suspect growing eggplant in the garden this year.

Speculation continues on whether the hunchback Quasi had any part in the missing Egg. A loner who plays with matches, has drawn suspicion that Egg may have met it’s fate with Quasi trying to teach the Egg to fly by tossing it from the bell tower. Anger over such a fate has villagers up in arms.

Suspicion has fallen on Julie who reportedly left town recently after Egg’s disappearance. Questionable excuses of her work/job being finished has tongues wagging that Egg is no longer even in the vicinity.

Itwasntme has drawn suspicion by their very name alone. “We thinks thought dost protest too much”, was quoted by an anonymous source when asked about the suspect.

Dio, himself is not above suspicion and local police have been questioning him on a possible “Comic strip block”, that there was a dispute between the Egg and Nutsy and that Dio had sided with Nutsy on the issue. It has been rumored that Dio even commented that he had Egg “in his back pocket” when it came to his comic strip screen time. Let’s just hope if Dio was the culprit, he remembers to take Egg out of his back pocket before sitting down to make another strip.

We will bring further reports as they come in, right now we can only scratch the surface of this perplexing sage of the missing Egg.

It’s Monday, Here We Go Again

Another new day, a new week, new issues, responsibilities, and challenges. But if one turns on the news, it’s the same old stuff. It feels like a merry-go-round of recycled items just with different viewpoints and opinions. I miss the days were journalists reported the news with facts and not opinions.

For this music Monday, I tried to go with something rather Easter-ish. Can you think of a song that pertains to something about Easter? I realize that makes for a wide interpretation. Have fun thinking of something and feel free to blog a song for the theme for this music Monday.

A Bit of Fun

A survey I saw on Facebook that I thought might be fun over here. I hope you can take a moment and join in the fun. Just copy and paste below in the comments and fill in your answers.

1. Who are you named after?

2. Last time you cried?

3. Do you like your handwriting?

4. What is your favorite lunch meat?

5. Longest relationship?

6. Do you still have your tonsils?

7. Would you bungee jump?

8. What is your favorite kind of cereal?

9. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

10. Do you think you’re strong-willed?

11. Favorite ice cream?

12. What is the first thing you notice about a person?

13. Football or baseball?

14. What color pants are you wearing?

15. Last thing you ate?

16. What are you listening to?

17. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

18. What is your favorite smell?

19. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

20. Married?

21. Hair color?

22. Eye Color?

23. Favorite food to eat?

24. Scary movies or happy endings?

25. Last movie you watched In a theater?

26. What color shirt are you wearing?

27. Favorite holiday?

28. Beer or wine?

29. Night owl or morning person?

30. Favorite day of the week?

31. Favorite animal?

32. Do you have a pet?

33. Where would you like travel?


I have a friend named Mark that I met over on Blogster years ago. I invited him to Shmoozezone and he showed up there every so often and posted in the forum with his quirky humor filled stories. I am connected with him on Facebook as well where he has a group on odd food dishes, stories and some of his puzzles.

I thought I would try the idea of his puzzles on here to see if anyone enjoys the mental challenge. I’ll post an easy one or two for today. The puzzle can be a book, movie, saying, song lyrics, show tune, etc. Look at the pics at the top from left to right and the bottom row from left to right and post your guess/answer below in the comments.

And a second puzzle if you are on a roll and figured out the first puzzle. Again, read the pictures from the top left to right, and then the bottom row of pics, left to right.

Good luck and have fun with your guesses!

Music Monday

It’s Monday again, time to kick back and relax and meet the day with some music. I picked this remake of the Doors hit, because it seems to fit today. (Of course present company is excluded…wink). Have a tune going thru your head? Feel to blog and post it!

That Time of Year

I’ve noticed a trend the past few days, one that always crops up around this time of year. One I have contemplated joining in with, but still haven’t made that leap yet. That time of emerging from our winter cocoon of hibernation and telling one’s self, it’s time to start that diet. With the warmer weather, shedding of heavy layers, it’s also time to shed those excess pounds from the holidays, from the sedentary lifestyle of the past wintery months.

I saw a post by a guy on Facebook that he had cut out cake, cookies, marshmallows, chocolate, and basically all things sugary. I could only think good for him as I nibbled on salt water taffy and called it my dinner last night.

One of my brothers started a diet after his latest check-up with his cholesterol being a little high. So he is eating a low fat, low carb, low salt, no added sugar diet of fruit and Lean Cuisine. I’m not sure how long that is going to last, but good for him for taking the initiative.

It has me thinking, I need to cut the salt and sugar as well, but then I eyeball the rest of the package of salt water taffy and tell myself, it might have to wait until after Easter. Don’t even get me started on cutting out tacos, or pizza, or anything cheesy. Is there any other food groups but those? I don’t think so, or at least the good kind of food groups.

Come spring, once I am out there slinging bags of mulch, digging holes, hauling brush, I’m sure my tune will change…a lot. So maybe I will hop on that bandwagon sooner than expected. I refuse to eat the Lean Cuisines though. So I guess googling is in order for those recipes that are low fat, low salt, low cholesterol, low sugar, and low in taste…. (sigh).

So people of Civatar, what are your favorite HEALTHY go to recipes? No Brussel sprouts though, I don’t do Brussel sprouts…ever.


Well spring has finally arrived, by the calendar anyways. Still having that roller coaster of temps though that has me guessing it will be a late unsettled spring. I only hope there isn’t much loss of plants, bushes, or the new fruit trees I planted last year. Sixty-degree temps one day and 20’s the next, can’t be good, for people either.

Not much new to report today, at least in my world. In the rest of the world it’s a mess, and I’m not even going to go there with the amount of garbage going on.

I thought the above meme was funny, but it also hits the nail on the head when it comes to society, everyone is a know it all, lots to say, and not a whole lot of listening. But for today I am going to ignore it all and the finger pointing and exaggerated outrage and other typical nonsense going on.

It’s Monday, music day again. Even though St. Patrick’s day is past, I am going to go with a “green” theme, thought it would fit in with the first day of spring. Do you have a favorite song with the word green in the title or in the group name? Feel free to post it in your own music Monday blog.

Have a good day peeps.