Morning Civatar! It’s another start to a new week which means Music Monday has rolled around. I chose this classic Phil Collins song, hard to believe it was released over 40 years ago, (doesn’t that make me feel old!). This is a live version, that has a rather long introduction, you can skip ahead about […]
Author: viccles
Seven for Sunday
Been out wandering a bit on this soggy day. Much too wet to weed, hoe, or do much of anything, but I snapped a few pics of a few blooms. And heck, one more bonus pic for 8!
MM – 7/1
For today’s Music Monday, I chose another Teddy Swims song. I know I posted one of his big hits several weeks ago, but I just love his voice. He and Chris Stapleton have such wonderful, raspy, soulful voices. Feel free to join in and post your own favorite tune for Music Monday. Music is always […]
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s a hummingbird moth… Sorry these pics aren’t the best, I was getting ready to head out the door and I spied the moth out the window, so the pics were taken thru the window so I wouldn’t scare it off opening the door. Also included, a couple […]
2 for Tuesday
Despite the heat yesterday, I spied these two guys when I stepped out the door. Today promises to be just as hot. At the moment not much is moving outside, but I hope to grab some more pics today. I took a few flower pics yesterday. If I get around to it, I will post […]
MM – 6/24
Morning Bloggers, it promises to be a hot one today with triple digits and I have already been out and tried to get everything watered before it gets much worse out there. Please remember to put out water for your pets, birds, and the critters and have a shady cool spot available for them in […]
Follow Up
There evidently needs to be a follow up to the last blog I wrote about “brokenness”. That blog was written in response to a petty and spiteful “update” that was posted on the activity page. It was the first posting of the day by an individual to needle and goad another member here. That member […]
7 for Saturday
Some quick pics taken on my walk to the mailbox. It’s another hot and windy day here so the blooms will be fading fast. The reds seem to be in abundance today. I tried to post different daylilies than the ones posted yesterday. It’s always a toss up to see which ones will be blooming […]
Broken. That is a good term to describe an individual who is unhappy and yet tries to convince the world and themselves that they aren’t. That they are happy, well adjusted, positive, and cheerful. I don’t know who they are trying to fool, themselves or everybody else, or both? The other day I logged on […]
Two for Tuesday
Just a couple of pics taken earlier this spring that I never got posted. I will try and post more garden pics on my garden page later this week of the rest of those that didn’t get posted along with some new pics of daylilies blooming. We will see if the weather will cooperate. Windy […]