Viccles Eggsellent Adventure

I was encouraged to write blogs to make people think, engage, respond, etc. I’m hoping the first thing this blog does, is make people giggle. It did me, but then, I am a bit warped. Having a little bit of fun with Dio’s Egg and Nutsy and including all of the somewhat active members on […]


(a cross post from our old Shmooze site) Well here we are…day 5 of the New Year. So far, nothing earth shattering, which is a good thing. But then again, nothing exciting either. I’ve been thinking, considering, planning a bunch of different things and yet none of them have really gotten much of a lift […]

Who’s on first

First page, first blog, first writer’s block. All the firsts that go with something new and different and unfamiliar. I should be use to this now, this constant state of confusion and uncertainty. But jumping in with both feet, getting them wet, and hoping it’s not going to require a life preserver.