Music Monday – Love Theme

Over on our old blogging site, we use to do a theme of posting music on Mondays. Seeing as this is Valentine’s week, I thought a good theme for today would be music that included the word “love”. Getting your thinking caps on and join in the fun of posting a favorite song that has […]


It’s Sunday, that is my excuse, I will try to think of another excuse for all of the other days that I am lazy. Suzi prodded me a bit to write a blog, it’s been awhile, so I guess you can blame her for my meanderings today. There isn’t much to report today from the […]

Two For Tuesday

Over on our old website of Shmoozezone, we use to do a lot of theme stuff and one of them being, a “Two for Tuesday” where bloggers posted pictures, graphics, memes, jokes, basically anything that had some commonality in the two items. I could post a thousand garden pics of the theme, but I will […]

Blogs/Sites/Groups and Such

With any new place there is going to be a lot of growing pains. So much of all of it is starting from scratch. People get use to what they always knew before and then when things change, it’s hard. Things don’t work the same way, things don’t look the same way, things don’t respond […]

Who’s on 1st

Here we are, now starting the month of February. It was a relief to see January go, and hopefully February will move along quickly so we can finally get closer to warmer weather and spring. It hasn’t been a bad winter, it hasn’t really been a long winter, it’s just been a season of confinement […]


What is today? Don’t worry, I haven’t lost all track of time, I know it is the 26th of January. But every day has a special significance to someone. It represents many things to many people and for some people it’s just another ordinary day. For a lot of folks, it’s a holiday. For my […]

Don’t Mind Me…

Seriously, don’t mind me or my blog as I continue on with my blog from the other day. I had previously blogged about how blogs are viewed on the activity page and had inserted a pic halfway down on my blog to see if the graphic would show, or if just the typing part of […]

Graphically Speaking

Not much new to report in the new frontier of blogging on Civatar. I have been tinkering a bit with making an album and made one a few days ago and originally had it on several pages using page breaks. Today I tried to do something different and just made sub menus for the additional […]