Information Please

It’s funny the things one finds one’s self googling for thru out the day. Need a product, need information, need a phone number, need directions, need to know how to change a spark plug, and it’s Google to the rescue. Gone are those days of looking things up in an encyclopedia, searching thru a phone […]

Something, Something

Well here it is, Thursday, March 2nd. Not a real earth shaking day of much importance. I did tag Nahi that it is National Banana Cream Pie day. I should have got the memo earlier. I have a pumpkin cake in the oven instead. It’s an overcast, bit dreary colder day so I am still […]

Madeleines – A Review

Here it is the start of the new month and what should appear to get the month off on a good start but a surprising package of madeleines! A big thank you to that sneaky “leprechaun” who sent them! I have always heard of the cookie, seen images of them, looked at the specialized pans […]

Almost There…

Well here we are on the 27th of February, one more day for this month before we head into March and hopefully more springlike weather. Last night a thunderstorm came thru, and even though not much rain fell, it was comforting to know that it did come down as rain and not snow. Lots going […]


It’s hard to believe how fast the month is going, I’m all for a quick, short month that will get us closer to spring. It’s amazing what a difference a couple of 50 degree days can make. The large snowfall we had last week is quickly becoming a distant memory. There are still patches of […]