Ham Pretzel Pleasers

(Another appetizer to go along with your deviled egg platter!) 3 ounces cream cheese 1 cup ground ham 1/4 cup chopped pecans 1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce grated onion to taste 1/2 cup chopped parsley Small Pretzel sticks Combine cream cheese, ground ham, pecans, worcestershire sauce, and onion. Form into about 3 dozen balls. Roll in […]

Peanut Butter Bars

A lot of people are fans of the Reese’s peanut butter eggs in their Easter basket. This is a quick recipe for peanut butter bars that hits all of those peanut butter and chocolate flavor notes. 1 cup (2sticks) of either margarine or butter (softened) 2 cups of graham cracker crumbs 2 cups powdered sugar […]

Deviled Eggs

Is there anything that screams Easter more than deviled eggs? A staple at Easter, picnics, buffets, and anywhere else a relatively cheap and easy appetizer or side dish is needed. How one makes their deviled eggs is up for debate. There are two camps when it comes to deviled eggs, those firmly in the mayo/salad […]


Tragedy struck Civatar today as word spread that “Egg” from Nutsy and the Egg fame has gone missing. With Easter on the horizon, fears grow for the fate of the egg. The list of suspects was released and it appears that no one is exempt from suspicion. At the top of the list of suspects… […]

It’s Monday, Here We Go Again

Another new day, a new week, new issues, responsibilities, and challenges. But if one turns on the news, it’s the same old stuff. It feels like a merry-go-round of recycled items just with different viewpoints and opinions. I miss the days were journalists reported the news with facts and not opinions. For this music Monday, […]

A Bit of Fun

A survey I saw on Facebook that I thought might be fun over here. I hope you can take a moment and join in the fun. Just copy and paste below in the comments and fill in your answers. 1. Who are you named after? 2. Last time you cried? 3. Do you like your […]


I have a friend named Mark that I met over on Blogster years ago. I invited him to Shmoozezone and he showed up there every so often and posted in the forum with his quirky humor filled stories. I am connected with him on Facebook as well where he has a group on odd food […]

Music Monday

It’s Monday again, time to kick back and relax and meet the day with some music. I picked this remake of the Doors hit, because it seems to fit today. (Of course present company is excluded…wink). Have a tune going thru your head? Feel to blog and post it!

That Time of Year

I’ve noticed a trend the past few days, one that always crops up around this time of year. One I have contemplated joining in with, but still haven’t made that leap yet. That time of emerging from our winter cocoon of hibernation and telling one’s self, it’s time to start that diet. With the warmer […]


Well spring has finally arrived, by the calendar anyways. Still having that roller coaster of temps though that has me guessing it will be a late unsettled spring. I only hope there isn’t much loss of plants, bushes, or the new fruit trees I planted last year. Sixty-degree temps one day and 20’s the next, […]