MM – The Boys of Summer

I picked this song for today’s Music Monday because it reminded me of the time we are in now. Summer is winding down, schools are getting back in session, and the sound of cicadas are in the air in the evening. A sort of melancholy time of year to go with this melancholy sort of […]

MM – Lord Huron

I don’t where I have been that I haven’t heard this group before this past week. I am obsessed with their music now, especially songs from their first album Lonesome Dreams. I’m including some songs here for today’s Music Monday. Crank up the volume and sit back and relax. Feel free to join in and […]

Cake….A Review

Well I did it. I finally got around to trying a cake recipe that more one person has gushed about. The cake its self is known by many different names. “Better than sex cake”, “Better than Brad Pitt cake”, “Butterfinger cake”, etc., etc. There is also different versions of the cake with some recipes calling […]

Tribute to Tony B.

With Tony Bennett passing this past week, I thought it would be appropriate to post one of his songs for this Music Monday. It’s a rainy morning here today, perfect for kicking back and enjoying some tunes. Have a favorite song? Feel free to post it for today!


It’s Monday, you know the drill! Post a favorite song/music to start your day off on a positive note. I chose the following song for sentimental reasons. Back in the days of Yahoo chat rooms, one of the programs I used was called “Cheetah Chat” in which snippets of mp3’s could be played. This song, […]

Garden Controversy

If you are an avid gardener you already know about “Jalapeno-gate”. If not, it’s an issue many gardeners are discovering in several states involving their pepper plants, specifically jalapenos. Seeds and plants that were labeled as jalapenos, are turning out not to be jalapenos but other different varieties of peppers. Rather frustrating if you were […]