MM for the 23rd

This is a nice little group that does a lot of remakes of popular songs. If you haven’t heard them before, head on over to Youtube and check them out! Have a favorite tune? Feel free to post it on your blogs for Music Monday. Have a good week ahead bloggers!

No Designated Title

I think it is more than a whisper. The days here lately have been warm, in fact tomorrow we will be in the 80’s and then in a day or two the rain will move in and the temps will plummet. Fall is such a lazy season with its drifting leaves, changing hues, hazy mornings […]


A little nostalgia for today’s Music Monday. Some Elvis Presley. I can’t think of any artist today that even comes close to the talent and charisma. No lip synching here, don’t think you can say that about most concerts in our present day. Have a favorite song? Feel free to post it for Music Monday!


Another week, another Monday, another Music Monday! It’s been hectic in the world, as well as in my own little world. I chose this song for today, seems to fit the mood. Have a favorite tune? Feel free to post it today for Music Monday.

MM and a Cat

Nahi asked me the other day how the cat was doing, so I am throwing in this pic for her as a bonus for this Music Monday blog. As you can see, the cat has determined that the clothes basket is a good spot for hanging out. For the moment it’s filled with old clothes […]

MM – Ode to Joy

Something a little different for today’s Music Monday. A flashmob rendition of Ode to Joy. Now whether this is a true flashmob, I am unsure. I read somewhere that it may actually be a commercial for a German bank. Either way, it is a fun take on the music. I’m don’t know if flashmobs have […]


It’s hard to believe that Fall is upon us with today being the first day of Autumn. The trees haven’t colored up much yet, but the show will start soon with their bright colors of red, orange, yellow, and yes brown. I’ve been out early this morning refilling the hummingbird feeders. They are still around […]


I could be unstoppable, if I could just get started! Morning bloggers, it’s another Monday and you know the drill. For today I chose the song “Unstoppable” (by Sia), from the Wonder Woman movie. Nope, I haven’t seen the movie, but the video makes me tempted to look it up. Feel free to post a […]


A Nation’s Strength What makes a nation’s pillars highAnd its foundations strong?What makes it mighty to defyThe foes that round it throng? It is not gold. Its kingdoms grandGo down in battle shock;Its shafts are laid on sinking sand,Not on abiding rock. Is it the sword? Ask the red dustOf empires passed away;The blood has […]