Well, I am not really a princess, and this blog doesn’t really involve any legumes, but it does involve trying to get a good nights sleep.
I had been shopping for mattresses for a while and a few months ago, on Veterans Day in November, I finally got around to ordering a new set along with a different bedframe and a new recliner while I was at it, taking advantage of some sales. I opted to have everything delivered and the first date available was Dec. 3rd. There was, however, an issue that came up and my order was not going thru, so a call to customer service, and then another call the next day to my bank, and it was all straightened out. However, since the order didn’t go thru until the following day, I was then informed the next available date for delivery would be Dec. 27th. Argh!
Two weeks before the date, I got an email that my order was ready and for me to log into my account and pick a date for delivery. What?! Again?! Back to customer service. Evidently one item was backordered, so they didn’t put in my order until that item arrived. It didn’t matter that it came in BEFORE the original delivery date, my order wasn’t in the system for delivery. But it’s amazing how my payment was made and cashed immediately in November…. cue the steam rising from my head.
My new delivery date…. January 17th. So angry as I was, I went and flipped my old mattress …again… and waited for the day.
Early on January17th, they came with my new recliner, my new bed frame, and a new set of mattresses. The delivery guys were polite, cheerful, and anxious to be back on the road for the rest of their deliveries. There was one slight problem, one that had to be pointed out to them…. but they seemed nonplussed and told me to not worry, I would be contacted by the company in about 20 minutes about the issue.
Do you see something wrong with this pic?

I don’t know why it had to be pointed out to the delivery drivers that it is obviously not a matching, same size set. A queen mattress with a full-sized box spring. But they left it in the middle of the living room and told me they were leaving it for me…. so, I would have someplace to sleep.
Another call to customer service. Which they apologized for the wrong order and assured me the problem would be remedied immediately and I would be put on their schedule for delivery for February 14th.
I don’t think so, and I said as much. Delivery would be today, they would come with the right order AND pick up the obviously wrong order or they would pay for my hotel room, and I would consider the mattresses they dropped off as “abandoned and free”. More time on hold, and another delivery date given of possibly January 31st was the best that they could do.
Time to shift gears into very angry princess mode and demand to speak to the customer service’s manager/boss. Another lovely conversation centered around delivery availability, drivers, messed up orders not only for me, but at least two other people as neither of the deposited mattresses were from my order. Hmmm, you would think that would have registered with them without me having to point that out to them. That had them panicking and calling the drivers to go thru the truck, go thru the inventory, more calls back and forth between customer service and myself for the whole morning looking for my mattresses.
After my refusing to budge on accepting the February delivery, they finally called me one last time to say they would be back the next day with my new mattress set and they would reimburse me for the cost of delivery and a$120 credit which she would confirm in an email to me.
I never got the email, and I doubt I will be getting any credit. But I did finally get my new mattresses. So, I guess I am going to live happily ever after….. napping.
Did you try putting a pea under your old mattress…it could work?
There is nothing more aggravating than that kind of BS! Seriously, nothing! People/businesses just don’t care anymore…they have the upper hand, and they know it…🤬
Keep on them about that credit, don’t let them get away without issuing it!
I don’t know if you can take this kind of stuff, but I use a product called ZzzQuil…it comes in liquid and pill form, and works pretty good…in the meantime, enjoy your nap!
What it all boiled down to was that they did not want to be inconvenienced. The drivers, the customer service people, despite that I, as a paying customer, was the one being inconvenienced. No one wants to do their job or take pride in their work.
I agree completely!