Here we are, almost halfway through October already. This month is just flying by. The next few days are going to be on the chilly side here with temps at or below freezing for a night or two or three. There goes the rest of the garden for the year. I was getting tired of watering as it was. I still have a few chores to do outside, but I will wait for the temps to rebound a bit before getting to them. Til then I am working on some indoor projects. I bought a new flatbed scanner, and I am hoping to scan and make prints of all of mom’s photos to make albums for all of my brothers. I want everyone to have a copy of every pic before any are lost or walk off. As it is, I can’t find some pics and I haven’t a clue where they have gone. Lots to do between now and Christmas so I hope I can get it all accomplished with everything else I have going on.
I went a bit back in time for today’s Music Monday song. I remembered hearing it all the time as a kid. Funny how those old songs bring back so many memories.
Have a favorite tune? Feel free to post it for today’s Music Monday!
Great choice! I can’t even remember when I last heard that!
Me either, it’s been ages! Thank goodness for Youtube for all the old songs and videos!