Goodness the time is flying by. Already into the 2nd week of October, at this rate I will be Christmas shopping before I get all of my outdoor projects completed. I’m still waiting on the roofers who dropped off all of the shingles and supplies last week, and I haven’t heard a peep from them since. With these chilly mornings, I don’t expect them to get here too early, but you would think by the afternoon they would show up to do something.
It’s been a while since I posted some country music for Music Monday, so I picked this song by Dwight Yoakam. It’s been ages since I have heard anything about him, but I am guessing he is still concentrating more on his acting career and not his music so much. Pity, he really has such a talent for it.
Have a favorite tune? Feel free to post it for today’s Music Monday.
Great choice!
[did you get all that Monday wiped off your shoes?]
Not yet, but the day is looking up, the roofers showed up!
One less thing for you to have to worry about!
The still have to wrap the fascia board in the metal casing, but the main part is done, thank goodness!