MM – 9/23

Here we are again, another Monday rolling around. I’ve got a list of things to do today, but I’m not that enthused to do much. I’ve got some hummingbird nectar cooling on the stove and I will be refilling the feeders when it cools down. Not much longer and they will be done migrating thru my area. I imagine a great deal of them went thru before we hit this cold snap yesterday. Fall definitely proved it’s point with its arrival.

I have one box to pack up from cleaning out the dining room of unwanted or unnecessary items and then I will have 19 boxes of glassware, cookware, Tupperware, knickknacks, etc. to go. I also have another 10 boxes of books as well as two other boxes of misc. I have two more rooms to go, and the linen closets and I can call it quits.

In typical Monday fashion, as I was writing this blog, the phone rang, by the time I got back to the computer it was updating. So, while it updated, I went ahead and filled the hummingbird feeders, stopped to talk to the mailman who delivered a package (2 new peony roots to plant at the cemetery), and I put on a pot of chicken and noodles since my brother called to say he would be over today to help with a couple of projects before winter.

I’m tired already and it is barely 11 a.m.

I guess it’s time to put some music on and try and get inspired and give myself a pep talk about getting some pep.

I don’t think I have posted this song before, so I hope it is new for you, if not, I hope you still enjoy it. Have a favorite tune? Feel free to post it for today’s Music Monday.

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5 months ago

Great song!
You decided what to do with all the ‘stuff’? I think I may have mentioned that we have places around here…Helping The Homeless thrift store, etc…that would probably love to have it if you have places like that. Hang on to that bowling ball, though…you never know when that will come in handy!

5 months ago
Reply to  viccles
