
That is how I feel today after trying to clean out and organize all of the Tupperware, Rubbermaid, and other brands of plastic containers. I have tried to wrangle all of those containers into two cabinets, and after trying to put up a container the other day and have lids topple out haphazardly, I decided to bite the bullet and try and tackle that project.

I’m sort of done, but sort of not. All of the containers were removed from the cabinets, washed, dried, stacked, and then it became a puzzle on how to put it all back together. I threw away two bags of cool whip bowls, salad bowls, all of those little containers you get things in like soft spread margarine, deli stuff, and ice cream buckets. And it still was a struggle to get things as orderly as I wanted it to be.

Add to the problem is I have Tupperware, and I inherited mom’s Tupperware, and it’s hard to decide what to keep, what to toss, what to give away. I started off well on the project determined to be ruthless. Afterall, who need FOUR cake carriers? There is a fifth one floating around here somewhere that is a large rectangular shaped carrier, where it’s at, I have no idea. That was another problem that I came across, that things were stuffed in odd places. I have dealt with that problem a lot for a while. Mom with her dementia never put anything back in the same place. So, I know I will be finding more Tupperware in a closet, or another cabinet, or someplace even stranger when I get to cleaning out more cabinets and closets.

Purge, I keep telling myself, purge it now while you are handling it and I had planned on doing that….but then I stopped for lunch while the containers were draining and drying and then when I went to decide, I really couldn’t. Someone might want that, I might use that, that could really come in handy when there is a large crowd, etc., etc.

I even took the time to google Tupperware to see about how to get replacement lids that were cracked or broken. A phone call and an e-mail later and I have three lids, and a container ready to be boxed up and sent to their offices to see if they can be replaced. I was told it could take up to 6 weeks to receive the parts,…if they determined it fell under their guaranteed stuff. I will let you know how that pans out.

Three relish trays, one big, one possibly a meat tray? I don’t know, it is flat and has a big round lid that would make it hard to put in much in the way of bigger veggies. A small tray less than twelve inches across that I am assuming is for things like olives and pickles. And of course, since they are all different that makes it harder to decide, which to keep?

Jell-O molds, I came across two. I have never used them for Jell-O, one of them I have used a time or two for an ice mold for punch. Which now I tell myself, maybe I should try making a Jell-O mold. And then there is the Rubbermaid, some of it newer that I only use once or twice a year during the holidays to store cookies. Does that justify keeping them? Of course it does, we are talking cookies folks. Stale cookies are an affront to all things American, etc., etc.

You see my problem. I can find an excuse for anything. I don’t know what kind of hold this stuff has over me, but it does. I have brand new stuff never even used. Dusty blue square plates, matching cups and glasses, perfect for packing for a picnic. I don’t go on picnics, I don’t like picnics, I don’t like fighting the ants and flies for my meal.

Stackable pie keeper for transporting multiple pies. Am I seriously going to get that ambitious to make a bunch of pies to take somewhere? Maybe in the past for potlucks and trips down to Grandma’s, but times change, things change, and nobody really gets together every Sunday with family for those huge dinners any more.

I’m thinking at Christmas I will pull out a lot of it and set it out to see if anyone wants to take any of it. Maybe I will even throw in some cookies to entice them. Big plans, big ideas for my excessive Tupperware and Rubbermaid horde. I need to downsize. And yet, I am already telling myself that if Tupperware doesn’t honor the guarantee on that rectangular container and lid that is cracked, I will have to buy a new one.

I’m tired. I haven’t even started on the pots and pans. New pans, never used, old pans that have sentimental value, some pans missing a handle, but they are Saladmaster pans, and they should have a lifetime guarantee. I just have to now go google them and see how I go about getting the replacement parts for them and if they are covered.

Yeah, I need help. Seriously.

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6 months ago

My advice?
To a brand new house.
With empty cabinets/closets.
And start over.

6 months ago
Reply to  Suzi

Side note: It’s a ‘Vic’ blog! Sure have missed those!

6 months ago
Reply to  Suzi

Another side note: Getting ready to fix the Palmini linguine…I’ll let you know how it is…

6 months ago
Reply to  viccles

I emailed you the results…

6 months ago
Reply to  viccles

It definitely sounds like a plan to me!

6 months ago

Hi everybody!