MM- 8/12

Morning Bloggers, today’s video choice for Music Monday is by a group called “Elbow”. I came across this song from a movie I had watched recently called, “Swims with Men” which is a little British comedy about a group of middle-aged men who try their hand at synchronized swimming. The movie had serious “Full Monty” vibes with a pool scene stolen straight out of “Caddyshack”. This song was towards the end of the movie and it had me searching for it later on YouTube. It’s such an upbeat tune that keeps growing on me more and more as I listen to it. I hope you enjoy it as well!

Have a favorite tune? Feel free to post it today for Music Monday.

this article MM- 8/12
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6 months ago

It really is a ‘feel good’ kinda song…however I don’t envy the job that poor kid has!
Have a great day, Vic!