Morning Bloggers, it promises to be a hot one today with triple digits and I have already been out and tried to get everything watered before it gets much worse out there. Please remember to put out water for your pets, birds, and the critters and have a shady cool spot available for them in this heat.
I chose this song for today’s Music Monday since it is officially summer. Stay cool everyone and feel free to post a song for today’s Music Monday!
Great song choice!
Here’s mine for the day…
Hope your day is better than mine!

Well I hope you are at least keeping cool! (Be mindful of the dog!)
There isn’t enough air conditioning on the planet to cool my attitude…🤬
Let’s hope things improve…until then, here is a flyswatter!….whack anything that moves…(except me!).
I remember this song. Grew up with it on the car radio. My mother always had a radio on when we would be driving somewhere. Mom was so cool…she loved music and was hip to the changing times. I miss her so much. What fun it was.
Lucky you! I think my mom had enough noise with 4 kids, she hardly ever turned on the radio.