Follow Up

There evidently needs to be a follow up to the last blog I wrote about “brokenness”. That blog was written in response to a petty and spiteful “update” that was posted on the activity page. It was the first posting of the day by an individual to needle and goad another member here. That member hadn’t posted anything to merit that particular “update” and it was seen for what it was.

I’m sorry if that poster of that update is unable to see clearly, or doesn’t like seeing their reflection. No amount of excuses, deflection, or feigned innocence is going to cover up that fact. If you post such remarks, you can expect to be called out for the rudeness and cattiness you displayed.

Here is an idea, how about not posting such negativity and vitriol in the first place? How about not criticizing what others post and spend the time productively writing a more “personal and heartfelt” blog yourself instead of spamming the activity page with nonsense and repeated postings of the same thing every day? How about taking your own advice and ignore what others post and just set your preferences to “friends”? I don’t think any of those suggestions are too difficult.

Easy-peasy problem solved.

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8 months ago


8 months ago

LMAO @ flunkies…interesting choice of words considering she was timberly’s flunkie for years…

Last edited 8 months ago by Suzi
8 months ago

Is that big wooden spoon aimed at beating @ZZ? Cause if so, go after Vitacost and Ratuken for me. They like to screw over people so I’m sure they would enjoy a good spanking. 😂  😂