Another Monday has rolled around, and I’ll be busy doing some housework and listening for the door and phone, and for folks to arrive. I always hope for a quiet day, but it can be a bit hectic thru the week. It’s always a game of wait and see what materializes.
Being Monday that means of course, it is another Music Monday! I have my good friend Yar to thank for this song. He posted it on his fb page this past week and it was a song I had completely forgotten about and hadn’t heard in ages. I thought I would post it so that maybe it will trigger a memory for you as well!
Feel free to join in on today’s Music Monday with a song on your own blog page. Doesn’t matter if it’s rock, country, bluegrass, classical, etc.
Have a good week ahead peeps!
Pssst. Today’s the 4th. ((See how nice I am to let you know) That’s just how I am.
If you were truly being nice, you would have ignored it and moved on…No…being nice was the very last thing you were being…but then we all know what you were being…
Pathetic, really…her incessant need to try to prove herself to be superior to everyone else. Glad I’m not insecure like that…but, then, I’m not the narcissist that she is, so there’s that…
On a side note…’Just for the record’, according to google, over 2 million people play wordle…the difference is, they don’t feel the need to plaster their results all over every site they are on…
Have a great day, Vic!
Sadly it is the only way she feels she can get acknowledged.
The best music came from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s…thanks for posting this!
Thanks Suzi!
For those individuals who have nothing positive to say, this blog was written yesterday and saved as a draft for posting today. Hence the date.
You don’t need to justify what you do to anyone, Vic…ever! On a side note:
Is Wordle based on luck or skill?
Winning Wordle—the daily online word game currently captivating the internet—requires a healthy dose of luck. Players have six chances to guess a five-letter word. Every time they guess the correct letter in the correct spot, it turns green. Correct letters picked in the wrong order are highlighted in yellow.Feb 9, 2024