Forget the dog days of summer, it is the cat days of winter! All one can do is just look out the window and vow to not go out there in that snowy, cold madness.
It’s Monday again! Time for another Music Monday to get your day off to a good start, especially if you are cooped up because of the weather.
I’m feeling a bit nostalgic for the 80’s today so I picked this old Chicago song. Remember when the videos showcased models in all of them? I don’t know if those models ever got famous because of them, but I’m sure they enjoyed the exposure.
Feel free to join in with your own song of nostalgia, or whatever floats your boat!
Wow…this took me back…thanks for posting! Enjoy your day, Vic!
You too Suzi!
I was a ’60s kid and an ’80s lady. I miss those fun days. I also see that your cat is becoming a stunner!