Well, it is done and over with. My family had their Christmas get together last night and for the most part it went off without a hitch. It was a bit hectic in trying to get it all done, but thankfully I had done the majority of the shopping early.
I didn’t get much accomplished in the way of baking though, a few standards like fudge, peanut butter balls, haystacks, almond bark pretzels, etc. I didn’t get any cookies baked though. With our town working on the water all week, and long stretches on some days of no water, and doctors’ appointment this week as well, it seriously cut into my time. But I have one of my brothers and his wife coming over Christmas day, so maybe I will manage some gingerbread or molasses cookies and some sugar cookies.
Nahi, sad news, I was going to send you that pineapple fruitcake you mentioned in a comment the other day but they are sold out! Who knew pineapple macadamia nut fruitcake was so popular or even such a thing. I have never heard of it or tried it before. I did buy some Panettone for Christmas, but it didn’t get opened, so that will be on the menu for Christmas day as well. As near as I can figure out, it’s like a fruitcake bread instead of a cake. I’ll give a review when we try it.
Still offering to send Suzi and Dio a regular fruitcake for Christmas! I can hear the screams from here…come on people give it a try you know you want too! (Stop giving me “that” look, it’s good I promise!
Popular gifts last night for the little ones aged 3-6 were anything involving dinosaurs, transformers, and Paw Patrol. For the older kids, Pokemon was the word. Good grief, who knew that stuff was still so popular?! Grab bag gifts for the adults ranged from camping stuff, books, Arby’s gift cards, and gourmet coffee and a host of other things. A gift or two might have been stolen in the process.
I think it was an enjoyable experience for all, with lots of reflections on what will most likely be mom’s last Christmas with us given her latest diagnosis. Even though I didn’t get all of my plans done of what I wanted accomplished, at the end of the day you just hope it was enough. It is what we all hope for in life, that it is/was enough.
Merry Christmas a bit early bloggers!
And God Bless Everyone!🎄❄️🎅
P.S. Just go ahead and feed my fruitcake to Rudolph!🦌