Feeling a bit nostalgic and watched this video the other night. I need to watch the movie again, but this particular video is from SNL back when the show was actually good and loaded with talent. Wish I had Dan Ackroyd’s moves!
Feeling a bit nostalgic and watched this video the other night. I need to watch the movie again, but this particular video is from SNL back when the show was actually good and loaded with talent. Wish I had Dan Ackroyd’s moves!
Bustin’ some moves!
You know, I don’t believe I have ever watched SNL…
Good Morning, Vic!
No way! I am gobsmacked!
In my defense, I have watched clips from some episodes that people have posted on facebook…
(sigh) Sad….so sad…we better not tell Mac.
I didn’t realize Dan was that good a dancer. You don’t usually see him do that kind of thing in his other films
Yes, busting a move in Driving Miss Daisey would have seemed a bit odd, but then he didn’t dance as a conehead either.
From the movie Blues Brothers…