Morning Civatar, it’s a balmy 21 degrees this morning. There would be frost on the pumpkin, but I brought it in a few nights ago to last a little longer. We are to have a few more days of the cold weather before it warms back up a bit. The colder days are giving my new furnace a chance to prove itself, and so far, all is working well.
It’s that time again for another Music Monday. Today’s choice might seem a bit odd, but a friend of mine shared this on Facebook awhile back and the video really has a lovely feel to it. The choir is wonderful and even if you aren’t much into choirs, do take a listen to this stirring song.
Have a favorite tune? Feel free to post it for today’s musical theme!
That was just wonderful, Vic!
Thank you Ms Suzi, I thought it was such a wonderful piece as well.