I think it is more than a whisper.
The days here lately have been warm, in fact tomorrow we will be in the 80’s and then in a day or two the rain will move in and the temps will plummet.
Fall is such a lazy season with its drifting leaves, changing hues, hazy mornings with glimpses of shorter days to come.
It brings crisp mornings, late harvests, all things pumpkin and a rush of preparations. For holidays, for weather changes, for time changes.
There are a million things I could blog about. Fall bulb plantings, last of the flower blooms, comforting family recipes. I could skip the whole fall theme completely and blog on the current state of the world, of the economy, of the political landscape. I could blog on things past, present, or future. I could even repeat old blog posts, but to what purpose? To recapture a time, a moment, a feeling? Nope, things change, and one has to be willing to accept and deal with those changes.
This past week-end, my mom’s brothers and sisters all got together. It had been a while, and sadly it may be their last time all together. Age, failing health, distance, they all play a part in separation. And people, like the falling leaves, quietly drift away.
I’ve got a million things to do this fall. Winterize windows and doors, put up garden hoses after some watering, two large totes of iris that still need to be planted after a late, unplanned move. Tools sharpened and put away, hummingbird feeders washed and stored, along with bulbs and rhizomes from the planters. Walnuts gathered, plants pulled, cages and outdoor furniture stacked and tucked in the garage.
It’s all there waiting on me, with a silent plea to hurry. And I can’t seem to make myself hurry. Days are the same, but they are a blur. Time rushes and time stands still. The phone rings constantly, and yet remains silent with its answers. Lots to do, lots to think about, lots to shuffle and talk about, and lots to keep to myself.
I keep waiting for time, for dates to pass, to be able to make better, informed decisions. But those dates and time come and go with nary the knowledge to help me on those decisions. Maybe they don’t require my decision at all, or those decisions will be made despite my best efforts, on their own.
Tomorrow will be a busy day, I have a lot of work planned, but I will try and log on here and post for Music Monday. My day will start at 5:30 a.m. and how it goes from there remains to be seen. It will be a long day, it will be a long week. Hopefully I can postpone my hibernation tendencies for a few more days until I feel like I have done enough.
Loved reading this, Vic! ❤️
You always write such thought provoking blogs…
Thank you Ms. Suzi!